Post Strike Exhaustion Disorder

PSED, or, Post Strike Exhaustion Disorder, may strike you today, be warned.

It is of two kinds, that as suffered by individuals without any pre-existing physical or mental health condition, and that suffered by those with pre-existing conditions.

Diagnostic Criteria of PSED

At least one of the following essential criteria needs to be met

Individual walked an excessive amount due to the tube strike
Individual suffered more than usual duress getting onto, and/or on, alternative methods of transport
In addition, 5 or more of the following must be experienced

Sore feet
Aching ankles and calves
Thighs that hurt upon crouching
Had to nap yesterday afternoon or evening
Wobbly feelings in the legs when attempting to walk today
Random attacks of rage when someone mentions tfl, tube strike, or tube drivers, or a tfl union
Overwhelming urge to lie down and sleep all day today
Headache from the pressure of walking on hard pavements
Feeling low and tearful today due to running on adrenaline for most of the past two days
Worry about making it into work the next few days
Obsessively checking tfl status updates, Twitter feeds etc
Rants on tfl’s Facebook page
Wishes they could claim compensation
Those with Eating Disorders, Mental Health conditions particularly those with a mood and anxiety component, heart conditions, Diabetes, Arthritis and Rheumatism are particularly vulnerable to this disorder, which typically has an acute presentation, but may be complicated where the health effects are long term, and/or the individual has a trauma history.

Complete bed rest is recommended, with plenty of fluids, and adequate nourishment encouraged for excessive calories burned [those with Eating Disorders may need encouragement with this.]
Any medication for stress may be helpful.
Safely expressing anger and other pent up feelings is also encouraged.

By Katie

Emotional Olympics

This post is really a shameless plug for a Blog of mine that I’ve set up to get me through August. It’s also to educate ‘the general public’ about how quite severe psychological difficulties effect day to day life, and why.

When I first joined the Westminster Writers, I was determined to keep the fact that I was diagnosed with a mental illness [that is, depression plus] a secret. This soon became impossible – you don’t write from the heart and relate meaningfully to your peers and cover up your vulnerabilities.

It’s also ‘de rigueur’ these days to come out of the closet about these things, to combat stigma. I wish it were that easy to combat snap judgements and prejudice about psychological vulnerabilities…

I’m also keen to explore what they call ‘life writing’ in a semi extended form and maybe get some feedback. It’s not a WordPress blog, but I may post excerpts here. You’re welcome to follow it if you wish.

The Blog can be found at –